The Return

The World through russian eyes

Posts Tagged ‘world crisis

American Empire – Is the World on the brink of the new Dark Age?

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It is interesting how certain things just come together at one point in time. As I already mentioned it is really depressing for me to see that the majority of searches that land on the blog are “hate Russians” and “why Russians hate America”. This really made me think that I should go back and maybe rewrite some things to explain more clearly the point of view of 80%+ of Russian population in regards to expansion of NATO and general American politics in the last 20 years.

The comparison that came to my mind was that of Germanic and Gaelic tribes that experienced Roman expansion when it was at the peak of its power. Think about it. A large and powerful country comes your way and tries to impose the influence on the premise that it is “more advanced” and “a core of the civilized world”. Naturally the powerful country doesn’t give a damn about the “barbarian” countries that it tries to subjugate as they are inherently unworthy of their independence.

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Written by severyanin

September 17, 2008 at 1:10 pm